(Newsworthy.news) – A report indicates that the next pandemic, Disease X, will be twenty times deadlier than the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), and the corporate-controlled press is having a field day disseminating propaganda in the wake of the annual Davos summit hosted by the World Economic Summit (WEF).
For example, a recent headline in the UK’s Daily Express said that 50 million people might die in the next epidemic, which is supposedly already on its way.
Global elites are allegedly making preparations for a pandemic twenty times deadlier than COVID, according to The Messenger and the UK’s The Sun. According to a headline in the Irish Star, a new vaccination for Disease X is supposedly already in the works.
Headlines about a fatal virus, Disease X, are black propaganda, according to Dr. Robert Malone. The narratives are a coordinated international effort to back the claims made by the WHO and the WEF, who want countries to hand over billions to multinational businesses so they may “cure” a sickness that doesn’t even exist.
Malone writes that the WHO and the WEF are actively promoting grey propaganda. Although it was acknowledged in Davos that Disease X is still an unknown illness, the globalists continued to talk as if it were real and may be spreading. Malone expresses concern they are promoting the idea that “Disease X” will be a zoonotic disease and that the only way to prevent it is to allocate funds to monitor every single plot of land.
Ironically, the newly appointed intelligence agency tasked with overseeing the National Counterproliferation and Biosecurity Center’s surveillance of diseases plans to do just that. The CIA’s objective to monitor the globe is to coincide with this.
One of the primary goals of the Disease X propaganda is to put into action the so-called One Health solutions proposed by the WHO, which have been defined by the UN as government officials, researchers, and workers from all sectors collaborating to address health hazards. This involves creating sector-wide shared databases and monitoring and developing innovative solutions to understand the connections between hazards and their effects.
One Health will provide public officials worldwide with the resources and justification to control their jurisdictions in areas such as the Internet, agriculture, medical systems, climate change, ecological sites, and public health in urban and rural areas, using tools like artificial intelligence.
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