IRS Diversity Training Features Anti-White Material From Trans Scholar

( – Information on diversity, equity and inclusion training obtained by Judicial Watch has revealed that material from a far-left transgender academic who called for the “death of whiteness” was used by the International Revenue Service in its mandatory training for criminal investigators. The opening section of the DEI presentation was titled “Cultural Inclusion Is About Justice” and contained wording by black transgender professor Dafina Lazarus Stewart. One slide spoke about a safe cultural environment, asked what conditions have been “created” to keep “other cultures” in the majority, and suggested minority cultures are “sacrificed” to allow for the dominant culture to “degrade” the culture of subordinates.

Stewart, who chairs Morgridge College of Education’s higher education department, identifies as male and in a 2022 article called on critical race theorists and academics to commit to killing whiteness and encouraged them to adopt the term “dead honky”. Despite identifying as black and promoting black identity, Stewart argued in the article that “white” does not refer to an ethnic group and that “whiteness” is violence. The same journal that published the article has also published calls to send whiteness to the grave and “eradicate” it. Federal agents and the special agent in charge of the office in D. C. were frustrated by being dragged away from crucial work dealing with bribery, embezzlement and the dismantling of major money laundering and drug organizations to focus on “woke” DEI training.

In February President Joe Biden’s regime committed $1 million to funding studies that will challenge the “binary” categorization of gender to make biology classes more inclusive towards transgender-identifying students. The Biden administration in 2021 signed executive orders to incorporate Critical Race Theory and progressive gender theory into federal agency practices. Presidential candidate Donald Trump, along with former Trump administration officials, have discussed reimposing Schedule F, which could see the removal of employment protections that bureaucrats currently have in the civil service under the Biden administration. One such unelected official who would see these protections removed by Schedule F is Carrie Holland, Chief Diversity Officer of the IRS’ Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Holland’s salary has not been publicly disclosed but her predecessor Valerie Gunter earned over twice the median house income with an annual salary of $200,000.

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