Kindergarten Goes Woke, Test Scores Plummet

( – Following the launch of a “woke kindergarten” program, a California elementary school saw a continued fall in student performance and achievement.

Glassbrook Elementary School, which is located in the Bay Area in Hayward, California, reportedly paid the Woke Kindergarten company $250,000 to train Glassbrook teachers to pass on far left views to young children, including “woke” views about oppression and white supremacy.

The program was paid for with money from a federal education program designed to increase test scores and student achievement in the lowest-performing school districts in the United States.

The curriculum used by Woke Kindergarten is available for use with any age of the elementary school’s students, of whom there are 474. The program implements various promotions of left-wing talking points. A “woke word of the day” is included in the curriculum to expand the children’s “liberatory vocabulary” and teach them to use words like “strike” and “protest” to criticize “the system,” according to the program’s website.

Woke Kindergarten describes its goal as “supporting” kids, families and educational organizations in their work for “abolitionist early education” as well as “pro-black,” “queer” and “trans liberation.”

Glassbrook Elementary School is two years into a contract with the company that is set to last three years. However, despite the use of federal funds to try and limit the falling test scores in the school, the opposite result has occurred since Woke Kindergarten was introduced.

Both math and English scores have fallen by four percentage points, leading to a shockingly low percentage of students who were proficient in these subjects. As of spring 2023, not even four percent of Glassbrook students were competent in math and less than 12 percent were proficient in English.

Over 80 percent of Glassbrook’s student body are Hispanic, and two-thirds do not speak English as their first language. Although the school has been included on a watch list in California for the past four years, waiting for improved student success, Glassbrook fell to the lowest level of performance during the 2023-2024 school year.

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