(Newsworthy.news) – In the United States, syphilis cases are on the increase, with a particularly alarming spike among females. Female syphilis infections increased by 20% in 2022, making up around 25% of all cases, compared to fewer than 15% five years earlier, according to data from the CDC.
According to a report, nearly 3 million cases of chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea were recorded in the US in 2022. The syphilis (including congenital syphilis) outbreaks are particularly problematic, highlighting the critical need for immediate innovation and cooperation among all stakeholders in the fight against sexually transmitted infections. There was an uptick in syphilis cases, gonorrhea declined, and chlamydia cases remained steady.
The number of instances of congenital syphilis, in which a pregnant woman infects her unborn child, has increased. There has been an astounding increase of nearly 80% in the overall number of syphilis cases since 2018, with an even more startling increase of 183% in instances of congenital syphilis.
Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of the CDC’s National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, said heterosexual syphilis and drug use, especially methamphetamine (meth) use, are overlapping epidemics. Meth, one of numerous hazardous substances, is transported over America’s weak southern border. The CDC claimed it does not monitor illnesses by immigrant status.
Reports show doctors are skeptical that migrants are being examined for infections on a large enough basis. As they come over, they aren’t even screened for syphilis, much alone COVID-19.
Officially, a syphilis epidemic was proclaimed on July 13 by the city of Houston, Texas. The Houston Health Department said that there has been a twelvefold spike in female cases and a ninefold increase in congenital syphilis in Harris County and Houston.
As individuals are entering the country illegally with all sorts of diseases and illnesses, former President Donald Trump has warned that the border issue is “poisoning the blood” of this country. Fentanyl, meth, hepatitis A and B, dengue fever, syphilis, gonorrhea, chicken pox, mumps, and many more severe ailments have been carried in by illegal migrants, according to border sheriffs.
Native Americans and black Americans continue to have the highest rates of syphilis, and the disease disproportionately impacts the gay community.
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